The day I returned from work after I got engaged my dear friend said to me, "Prepare to be the happiest and most stressed out you have ever been in your life." I scoffed at this, I am great under pressure, I thrive in chaos. I am sad to say she was correct, even I crumbled under the pressure of those first few days. The way that I came out of it though was by getting organized and beginning to plan. The second you tell someone you are engaged they ask, "When is the wedding?" and you're like "What part of I just got engaged do you not understand?". How come as soon as you hit one milestone people are asking about the next one. Prepare yourself for this for the rest of your life. As soon as E and I got married people started asking about kids! Live in the moment people! Enjoy being engaged, enjoy being together, enjoy being a couple no matter what milestone you just hit or are working towards.
Got off track a little, I'm sorry. Back to getting organized and making a plan. There are many things that should go into your choice of a wedding planning timeline and the date of the wedding you choose. Here are a list of considerations:
- What season or month do you want to get married in?
- Is there are a particular day that holds special meaning or can you be flexible with the date?
- What day of the week do you prefer? Fridays are becoming more and more popular.
- What else will be going on in your life during the wedding planning? Any other stressors coming your way? Academics, job, family?
- How many guests do you plan on inviting?
- Who is paying for the wedding and how much time do you need to get all of the money together?
- How many DIY (Do It Yourself) projects do you plan on completing?
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