Sunday, October 23, 2011

DIY: Table Numbers

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There are many different ways to personalize the tables at a wedding. E and I originally wanted to name our tables after songs that we liked and meant something to our relationship. We figured out that many of the song names would be too long to fit onto a table marker and we did not want to spend too much money on the table markers. And then one day it came to me: we could use something we already had.
When E and I were in school he used to write me little quotes and notes on torn pieces of paper. I had saved them and one day I made a small collage out of the notes and then scanned them into the computer to make a document.

Only 2 days before the wedding (yikes!) E took the document and then used a computer program (InDesign) to make a number overlay on top of the notes. We then went to Michael's craft store and picked out some cardstock that matched our wedding colors. Then we went over to Staples and cut the papers (they let you use their paper cutters for free) to the sizes we needed and then used rubber cement to secure the numbers onto the card stock.

Word to the wise: Remember that you need 2 copies of each number! We made the mistake of only printing out one set only to begin gluing and then realized that the table numbers need to be double sided.

2 sets of each number
rubber cement or glue

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